2. The Apt Loop

Theme: The history of Apt in geologic times to modern times.
A country doesn't tell just one story, it tells several of them: not only its geological history, but also that of its trees, water...and men.
25 Stopovers
The station
Turn left.
Apt and the Aptian age
Inhabitants of Perréal
How does a ditch become a hill?
Turn left.
Turn left.
Turn right
Paul Guiguou, Provençal painter
Turn left.
Age of trees
Turn right.
History of a perched village
Turn right.
Door to door right up to the oven and the mills
The Ochre mountain range
Towards the castle
St-Pierre-d'Agnane, time for water
Turn left.
The Ochre industry in the 21st century
The Bruoux Mines
Get onto the cycling lane!
The hamlet of Serres
The railway era
The station