1. The Roussillon Loop

Theme: Mining ochre, underground quarries as well as open-cast quarries
Although nature is what gave ochrous sands its colour more than 100 million years ago, it's man who has mined it for two centuries, digging out underground galleries and huge quarries constituting semi-natural, semi-industrial landscapes.
15 Stopovers
The Ochre Conservatory
Welcome to Roussillon!
The legend of Lady Sirmonde
The Naïades Fountain
Ochre, as well as clay, limestone, gypsum, sulphur...
Roussillon of yesteryear, and today
Turn left.
The last quarry
The Bruoux Mines
Bladayre, a coloured hamlet
Be vigilant...
In 200 metres, turn left.
In 200 metres, turn left.
Return to the Conservatory